Hareket is a leading contractor specialized in heavy lifting and project (heavy/oversized) transportation services for 67 years. These services also include project planning, route surveys, lift engineering, project management and installation works.
Hareket ranked 1st in Turkey, 4th in Europe and 16th in the World according to the International Cranes and Specialized Transport list (ICT50 2024) of the world's largest heavy transport companies based on the total carrying capacity of all their specialized transport equipment.
Hareket was ranked 2nd in Turkey, 14th in Europe, and 49th globally in 2023 with a total lifting capacity of 163,957 ton-meters in IC100 list. In the 2024 index, Hareket reached a total lifting capacity of 253,530 tonmeters, ranking 1st in Turkey, 11th in Europe, and 33rd globally in IC100 list.
With a strong proven track record of projects within Turkey, East Europe, Caspian , Middle East and Africa region we serve clients across the petrochemical, oil & gas, renewable energy ,power generation,nuclear power, civil/infrastructure, minerals & metals construction and specialise in greenfield, brownfield, shutdown, maintenance and offshore projects. Through our regional headquarters located in Dubai, UAE, Qatar, we are operating in Middle East and Africa.
Hareket ranked 1st in Turkey, 4th in Europe and 16th in the World according to the International Cranes and Specialized Transport list (ICT50 2024) of the world's largest heavy transport companies based on the total carrying capacity of all their specialized transport equipment.
Hareket was ranked 2nd in Turkey, 14th in Europe, and 49th globally in 2023 with a total lifting capacity of 163,957 ton-meters in IC100 list. In the 2024 index, Hareket reached a total lifting capacity of 253,530 tonmeters, ranking 1st in Turkey, 11th in Europe, and 33rd globally in IC100 list.
With a strong proven track record of projects within Turkey, East Europe, Caspian , Middle East and Africa region we serve clients across the petrochemical, oil & gas, renewable energy ,power generation,nuclear power, civil/infrastructure, minerals & metals construction and specialise in greenfield, brownfield, shutdown, maintenance and offshore projects. Through our regional headquarters located in Dubai, UAE, Qatar, we are operating in Middle East and Africa.